Thursday, November 15, 2007
Row starts over 12 year old model
This is a story about the Australian fashion industry. Recently a 12 year–old girl was picked by fashion bosses for a top modeling job. She had to present the Gold Coast Fashion Week. She didn`t join any catwalk shows - just her face was used in images to advertise the event. The Australian Prime Minister was very concerned about this and expressed himself about this
topic to the public. Finally a row has started in Australia. The parents of the child who was picked by the fashion bosses don`t mind. They are of the opinion that the Prime Minister is out of touch. After all every 13 year old wears adult clothes.
I don`t agree with this point of view. As a mother it`s her responsibility to care for her child. As a matter of fact the development of teenagers has changed in the last few years. You can`t compare the situation with the past. The teenagers already seem to be grown up. Despite of the fact they also need time to grow up. And that means they should behave like a “real child”. In some European countries you are not allowed to be (used as) a model under the age of 16 then they can at least focus on school.
A lot of young girls are dying to be a model. To be a model is associated in their mind with success, beauty and prosperity. But they don`t realise that it is a hard business and that it would take a long time to be successful – and of course a lot of luck. They are just treated as an object and that is the reason why they need some experience in life. In such young years they aren`t able to handle defeat. Besides the model business is renowned for its “food habits”. There is a lot of pressure, so they finally want to be the one and only but it can`t work because fashion embodys different kinds of personalities and tastes.
As far as the fashion industry is concerned I wonder why they want to present their fashion on a 12 year old model. With such a compaign they usually want to reach a different market. That means they want to make their fashion attractive for their customers. Finally they have to concentrate on that group and have to convince them. Perhaps it could be difficult by using a 12 year old child to target an adult group, eg they have another body frame and don`t seem to be mature.
However in a way one can say that the fashion business will always be a world to its own.
by Anne U.-B.
(picture copyright by Instant Cast)

I don`t agree with this point of view. As a mother it`s her responsibility to care for her child. As a matter of fact the development of teenagers has changed in the last few years. You can`t compare the situation with the past. The teenagers already seem to be grown up. Despite of the fact they also need time to grow up. And that means they should behave like a “real child”. In some European countries you are not allowed to be (used as) a model under the age of 16 then they can at least focus on school.
A lot of young girls are dying to be a model. To be a model is associated in their mind with success, beauty and prosperity. But they don`t realise that it is a hard business and that it would take a long time to be successful – and of course a lot of luck. They are just treated as an object and that is the reason why they need some experience in life. In such young years they aren`t able to handle defeat. Besides the model business is renowned for its “food habits”. There is a lot of pressure, so they finally want to be the one and only but it can`t work because fashion embodys different kinds of personalities and tastes.
As far as the fashion industry is concerned I wonder why they want to present their fashion on a 12 year old model. With such a compaign they usually want to reach a different market. That means they want to make their fashion attractive for their customers. Finally they have to concentrate on that group and have to convince them. Perhaps it could be difficult by using a 12 year old child to target an adult group, eg they have another body frame and don`t seem to be mature.
However in a way one can say that the fashion business will always be a world to its own.
by Anne U.-B.
(picture copyright by Instant Cast)