Monday, January 22, 2007
Hillary for President - I´m In!

We have seen it coming, but now it´s official: Hillary Clinton is moving from former first lady to a candidate position as a possible first female president of the United States (by the way: does this mean Bill Clinton might now become ´first gentleman´???) ;-)
We do not want to become too political here at wsi4u but this news seems to fit quite well into our news structure, as the next president of the United States will certainly have a huge impact to the world (and not only the english speaking regions). Looking back to the times, when Bill Clinton was in charge the world looked pretty much stable to say the least. Economics, pollution and military envolvement looks pretty much upside down these days. Besides politics it will be a very interesting election campaign especially looking at the new possiblities of the internet. You can already watch some interesting speaches of Hillary at her website as well as read a new blog covering the campaign of her way to a possible presidency. Nevertheless, it will become a very, very interesting run for the next presidentship...
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