Sunday, May 28, 2006
An Inconvenient Truth

You have probably heard that our small planet has a serious problem with the pollution produced every day. Nothing new here, right? Think again! With last year's weather catastrophies and the very weird weather overall, it might be time to rethink some of your habits (again). Don´t know where to start? WSI4U is here to help! For starters, we recommend watching a very interesting documentary, which hopefully gives you a better picture of what is happening right now and what´s coming up the next 20 years. ´AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH´ is a dramatic movie documentation hosted by none other than Al Gore, former vice president of the United States. Obviously the movie is primarily aimed at the American audience, but seeing that the US is still the world's no. 1 polluter, it makes perfect sense. Anyhow, the topic is important for all of us - do not ignore it!