Monday, March 27, 2006
Play it again!

A great way to learn a language is simply by listing to it. Watch a movie, listen to some lyrics of your favourite songs or enjoy interesting podcasts! Never heart of it? Podcasts are basically digital recordings of everything worth listening to (anyone remembering RADIO ?) The big advantage is, podcasts can be stopped, played and repeated anytime you want. So why not using your MP3 player and listen to some spoken words?
That´s right! Your iPOD, MP3 player or even your cell phone will be the only device you need to listen to English broadcasts just as you go! The web already provides us with funny, interesting and exiting podcast files, waiting to be downloaded to your player. You don't need an iPod - any media player will do (see above) even your laptop. So stop wasting your time and train your skills during your way home!
A very good source are radio stations or audio books. Try this BFBS link for example, they have some great shows available (free of charge and with lots of British humor). If you know other free sources – don´t wait to post them using our comment function!