Sunday, October 29, 2006

Countdown to Halloween

Every year, on the last night of October, millions of children across the U.S dress-up in costume and take to the streets for a spooky dose of Trick or Treat fun. During the last 10 years it became more and more popular in Europe as well. One reason is obviously the idea of setting up new markets for themed merchandise, but there is also a lot of fun when you join a Halloween party. A very interesting fact is, that Halloween's origin is - you guessed it - EUROPEAN! Other very interesting stories can be found at the site of the historychannel by following this link.

Oh, and we have a very special movie recommondation, a true classic, fantastic movie - not only for
Halloween (but heavily based on it ;-) THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS by Tim Burton. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Do you know planet Earth ?

Well, it´s a small planet, so you should be able to name at least all continents (in English of course). Easy right? We know that WSI students are clever. Now, let´s focus on Europe alone. Every country on the map of Europe? Yes? We don´t believe you! Why? Because the whole WSI4U staff wasn´t able topin point and click on the right places to get 100%. But don´t worry - there is a very nice and educational game out there, which will help you to train your skills! What's even better is that it´s free and if you should really fail (after your 10th try) you can switch it to your native language (which definitely makes a difference)! Have fun!
The program is called Seterrea and you can find it here. Many thanks to Marianne Wartoft, for sharing your excellent programming skills with us!

Photo (c) NASA

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